Transfer service from Sorrento to Caserta

Book online taxi service transfer from Caserta to Sorrento on low-cost prices and reliable drivers

Online Booking

Complete the missing information in the transfer booking form. Enter the date and time for the outbound transfer and, if requested, the return transfer. In the case of "At disposal," select "One Way." Click on the "View Prices" button to see the list and prices of available transfer services.

Starting from 59.25 €
Private Transfer Standard
Price per person with 4 passengers


Sorrento-enchanting seaside destination in Campania, near Naples and Pompei. The town overlooks the Bay of Naples from the Sorrentine Peninsula, and the city of Naples, as well as Capri, can be seen from Sorrento. The famous Amalfi Drive links the city to Amalfi.  Ferry boats provide transport to Naples, Amalfi, Positano, Capri and Ischia. Charming hotels and restaurants featuring local specialties await visitors.

Transfer service from Sorrento to Caserta

Private Transfer Standard

Private Transfer Standard

Starting from 59.25 € (Price per person with 4 passengers)

Choosing the standard private transfer you will have at your disposal the car, the minibus or bus, without distinction of brand, which will lead you to the chosen location.


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